Friday, March 1, 2013

Serologic Markers of Hepatitis

Anti-HAVAb (IgM) - active hepatitis A
Anti-HAVAb (IgG) - priror HAV, protects against reinfection

HBsAg - on surface HBV, just Hepatitis B.

Anti-HBsAg - immunity to hepatitis B

HBcAg - core of HBV

Anti-HBcAg - ABs to HBcAg, during window period

Anti-HBcAg (IgM) - acute/recent infection
Anti-HBcAg (IgG)  - chronic disease

HBeAg - active viral replication and high level of transmissibility
Anti-HBeAg - ABs to e Ag, low level of transmissibility

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