Saturday, March 23, 2013

Complications of Diabetes Melitus

Peripheral neuropathy is a very common complication of DM 1 and 2.
Its usually associated with poor glycemic control and long-standing disease.

There are 3 most common types of diabetic neuropathy:

1) Mononeuropathies

  Cranial mononeuropathy:
- oculomotor - III
- facial - VII
- optic  - ischemic optic neuropahty

Somatic mononeuropathies:
- median nerve (bilateraly)
- ulnar
- common peroneal

2) Autonomic polyneuropathy

- GI: gastroparesis, constipation
- CV: orthostatic hypotension
- U: overflow incontinence, neurogenic bladder
- Sex: erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory abnormalities

3) Distal symmetric polyneuropathy

- Sensory: tingling, numbness, burning pain, loss of pain, T, vibration, position sensations.
- Motor: weakness, athrophy, weak DTR.

These deficits are usualy bilateral, symmetric, involving feet and hands.

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